The 16 Club

Hey y’all! This is just a quick post to wish Fibit a Happy Birthday!! 

He’s a semi-cool guy who can sometimes be funny… kidding, kidding. He’s actually pretty great, and one of my best blog friends. And now he’s finally joined the 16 club! Which is actually kind of odd because now he’s not a full year younger than me.

I just wanted to say that I hope he has a great day and knows how much I enjoy being his friend (my gosh I sound weird) Thanks for all the weird jokes and actual conversations with meaning. Oh-and for finally learning how to give a compliment. The improvement is impressing. But you’re still a brat thank goodness because nice people are boring 😉
You guys should definitely go check out his blog which I already have linked above, and wish him a happy birthday! 

Love y’all! (Especially you Mit) (But just today ;)😛) -Aspen AKA The Future Queen 

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