Top Ten Events (Recap)

Hey ya’ll so I decided to write out a post of the top ten events that happened in my life this year. Whether good or bad, I thought these were the most important.

This is me shooting a free throw.
  1. Basketball: The first thing that happened was what may be my last basketball season. I pray to God that it’s not since basketball is one of my main passions. I love being apart of a team, playing the sport I love. And I’ve been playing since I was 4 so it will always be a part of me. This season was  really fun and I got to play with some girls I really grew to love. Plus my dad and step-grandfather coached so I was able to to grow closer to them. And we took 3rd in state!


2. Ivy: My cousin Ivy was born this year! She is the cutest little girl and is a serious light in my life. She has a huge amount of love with a hilarious attitude. And she calls me mom so I guess that’s evidence for how close we are. About last week my dad was trying to get her to stop calling me mom so she full on screamed at him and created a song of only the word, “Momma” while petting my face for almost thirty minutes XD

This is us right before the race!


3. Cycling: I started cycling about this time last year so this June I was able to complete my first ever bike race which  just happened to be 100 miles. It took 9 hours and was one of the best experiences I’ve had. I got to ride with Amy who is like a second mom to me, and my aunt Julie.

This is the side by side Aliyah and I LOVE to drive.
This is me, my brother, and two of my cousins exploring some caves!

4. Summer: Over the summer my cousin Aliyah and I spent a few weeks down at my grandma’s house. We’ve always been really close so this was super fun! We spent hours at the pool and stayed up all night binge-watching Supernatural on Netflix. And since my grandma lives all around the red rock we drove the side by side. I also went to girls camp which is a religious camp (for girls) and I had an AMAZING time being able to spend time in the mountains with my friends and feeling the spirit. Us 4th years got to go on an overnight backpacking hike! Then my mom’s side of the family took a trip where we all stayed in a Cabin. It was super fun to spend time with them and we even convinced the little ones Snipes were real and went Snipe hunting.

5. San Diego: My family always takes an annual summer trip and this year we decided to go to San Diego. We went to a professional baseball game, Seaworld, and Six Flags which is a really big amusement park. And since I am a total adrenaline junkie it was awesome.


Fun fact: I took the picture in the background. Oh and the quote, “Human nature is our ultimate fault and our greatest strenght”, is mine.

6. Blog: This past July is when I created this blog! I’m so glad that I did and had the opportunity to meet all of you amazing people. You have no idea how much your support and posts mean to me. I can’t promise I’ll be here next year, but I sure hope I will be 🙂

7. Friends: Not only was I able to meet some new and amazing friends, I also reconnected with some people I’d already known. Especially my twin Lauren, Ryann, Bex, Emily, and Jordy. I’m so grateful for every single one of them.


8. Caspian: This is the first year that I got my OWN cello!!! You have no idea how much I love this thing, I even catch myself calling it a him. His name is Caspian James Pudici by the way……

9. Medical… err crap: So yeah my health this year has been absolute and utter crap. My body has decided that it doesn’t agree with anything else XD. And you know what, it sucks. Honestly, there has been no positives that I can think of, and trust me I’m trying. But it IS better than nothing. So hey, I’ll take what I can get, right?

10. RECORD BREAKING: YES, you heard me. This is the year that I have gotten the LEAST amount of injuries (conditions don’t count, okay?) Here is my (very satisfyingly small) list:

  • Dislocated hip 2x and tore the tendon in my thigh (Snowboarding accident)
  • Retore the tendon cycling
  • 2-4 concussions (Sometimes I forget…)
  • Broke a few of my fingers and about 6 toes I think
  • Did who knows what to my foot, but I was on crutches so…
  • I think I may have broken my wrist again this year, but I’m not positive

There may have been a few more, but that’s all I can think of/remember. Aggh it’s so minor it makes me so happy!!

What is one major thing that happened to you this year? Love ya’ll!

15 Replies to “Top Ten Events (Recap)”

  1. You’re so athletic!!! and dangg seeing that basketball pic makes me miss playing basketball :/ and are you kidding those injuries thoooooo and thats a short list for you?!?! Wow! 😮 hope you have a great 2016 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I still get confused glances when I say I saw a snipe, hahaha. I accidentally flushed a pair of them out of some cattails by a pond and I think we were both equally scared… When I looked them up, my first thought was, “UP lied to me.” 😋 I don’t know how more people don’t know about this.

    Liked by 1 person

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