The Miranda Sings Award!

Hey y’all! How have you guys been? My day has been… eventful. I woke up unable to move my back and it still won’t move so I’ve been walking around like a robotic video game character since I can’t turn XD

Anyways, I was nominated by the beautiful  Claudia for this award!

Phonto (15)

Here are the rules:

-Link the blogger who nominated you

-Add the featured image

-Nominate 10 (or as many  as you can think of) bloggers to do this award

-List 7 things you love about yourself

-Don’t use negative connotation (Pretty smart, okay at this, I guess, etc.)

(Before I start, may I say how wonderful of an idea this is?!)


  1. I like how I can be the powerful one that has the ability to take charge and keep track of everything.
  2. I can cycle. Within 5 months where I spent a little more than one month on crutches, I did a 100 mile race. And for the last ten miles, my tendon in my thigh was torn.
  3. I’m really good with kids. I love children, especially my cousins. We’re all super close, and I love being their role model.
  4. I’m smart. I care about relevant topics around the U.S and the rest of the world, and I can learn easily.
  5. I’m adventurous! I’ll take opportunities to experience something and take risks.
  6. I can write. I love doing this, and I know I have a talent at being able to feel things so strongly I can put them on paper.
  7. I can assess situations and realize the best action to take. Sometimes this is having a breakdown, and sometimes this is handling something by taking a deep breath and moving forward.

I nominate:

Tristan and Colby

A Very Awkward Blogger



Life of Blind




It’s midnight and my medicine is kicking in, so these are all my nominations.

Love y’all and hope you guys have a good week 🙂






13 Replies to “The Miranda Sings Award!”

  1. Hey you stole some of the peeps I was gonna nominate! 😉 and congrats on a 100 mile race, that is definitely something to be proud of especially since you finished it even though you were injured! Admirable persistence.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Oh my! I had no idea that you nominated me! I’ve done this award so I’ll just edit it it and link to your blog as well! Also,those are great things!


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