Goodbye 16

Hey y’all, as I’m sure I’ve mentioned before, tomorrow is my 17th birthday.

I currently have 55 minutes left of being 16. That’s crazy to me. T

hese past few years have been hectic but I’m glad to be where I am now. 

This is the year I learned what really hard trials can be, and what it takes to overcome them. I learned that the really difficult things can become really good things. 

I also learned that friendship is one of the most valuable things I posses. I am so exremely proud to call so many people my friends. You are what gets me through the hard things, you make life fun, and never fail to remind me of the beauty in others. 

And my family. Sometimes clueless, but always caring. Always willing to help me and support me in whatever I do. I wish I would have realized that earlier. My parents really do mean the world to me, and I’ve come to know how much they will do for me. And my pain in the butt little brother that I couldn’t live without. 

Horrible people are everywhere , but the world could never be a completely dark place when people like the ones I know exist. 

I’ve also had a renewed desire to do well in my schoolwork so that I can eventually become a doctor. Now it’s not just talk. It’s time to work, because my dreams start here. 

And as much as I complain about the massive loads of homework, I am very grateful for the educational opportunities I’ve been given. They are what will create the pathway to my future. 

I hope I’ll learn as much next year as I did this year. I hope I can stick to my faith with high spirits and know that everything will be okay. The hard times will pass. If I could give any advice to 17 year old me I’d say to take the work I do seriously, but to enjoy life and enjoy the people around me. 

I love all of you. Goodbye 16, hello 17. 

-Aspen AKA The Author 

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